No one ever tells us how to build a healthy relationship with our own SELF

That’s not something they teach in schools

Heck - for some of you, you may not even realize that you HAVE a deeper self / soul

From the time we are little, it seems to feel like a constant chase to “keep up”

Get good grades

Get into a good college

Get a good job

Have a family

Climb the corporate ladder

It almost feels like our entire life becomes a game of 

fulfilling “society's expectations” 

And we’re sold the idea that if we do that - 

We’ll feel complete. Happy. ENOUGH.

But what happens when that DOESN’T make us feel enough?

What happens when we wake up one day

And realize that none of it brings us 

happiness, or contentment, or enoughness?

SHITTTTTT - That’s when things get real.

That’s when we have the #midlifecrisis so to speak




These were questions I asked myself -

& that I hear from my new clients ALL the time.

These are the moments in life when nothing feels like it’s working

When the feelings of disappointment, frustration & let down feel like your every day experience 

As much as you want to believe things will be different 

It’s hard to quiet that voice in your head that says this is as good as it gets

You may be asking yourself: "Where did that zest for life go that I felt I had just a few weeks / months ago?"

"How is it that everyone else seems to have things going their way but for me it doesn’t happen?"

 If this is where you’re at right now babe - believe me I GET IT.

I know it viscerally and deeply

The feeling of disappointment

The feeling of frustration

The feeling of let down.

If you're feeling this way, it's not your fault. 


Life is not meant to be a series of “check off lists” & achievements 

While those things are nice, absolutely

They don’t bring happiness or feelings of true lasting contentment. 

That depth that you’re craving can only come from 1 place 


Reconnecting to that deeper soul within you 

That little intuitive voice that has been shoved down so deep 

That you’re questioning if it’s even still there. 

It’s when we get back in touch with our deepest, highest self 

And come back into alignment with our truest divinity 

Our connection to ONENESS  

That we really feel fully complete. 

That’s the “secret” that you didn’t even know 

you’ve been seeking an answer to


That’s the part that the world likes to try and keep hidden from you

Almost like a rite of passage in this soul’s journey of life

To realize that your mind is only one part of you

And learn to transcend the mind’s grip

 To truly create the freedom, joy, vibrance & passion you’ve been seeking

IN THIS MOMENT - you get to awaken to your truth 

You get to choose to come home 

And set yourself free.


Hi, I’m Teal Elisabeth 

A Leading Energetic & Spiritual Love Coach

here to radically change the 
way you’ve ever thought about

dating, relationships & self love.

 I have been guiding 1000’s of women all over the world 

In understanding what it really means to 

embody their authentic self & relax into love.

I have a soul mission to bring more love to this planet. 

We all know how much it’s needed

Because I believe that when we feel complete in our relationships,  

Every other area of our life thrives. 

Unlike many other coaches and “gurus” out there, 

Women consistently tell me that  

“there’s something about my energy that they feel  

is real, raw & embodied”.

 I walk my talk

I live my life by example. 

I’ve been exactly where you are, and I’ve come out the other side

Blissfully happy, married to the love of my life, & now a mother to the most incredible little baby boy. 

We’ve traveled the world for 2.5 years 

Living life outside the box in over 35 countries & fully on our own terms 

I’ve had my dream wedding 

We are the true embodiment of everything I want you to have. 

And be an example of what’s f*cking possible.


When it comes to loving yourself & #livingyourbestlife -

Whether that's feeling more connected to
your purpose,
your career,
your family,
friendships, or
romantic partnership 

It’s time to look a bit deeper

It’s time to consider where you might be 

out of alignment with your own inner self

It’s time to have a full heart, mind, and soul REBIRTH

It’s time to go into the depths of all the dark places within you

& do a massive CLEANSE of all the beliefs, fears & stories

that are no longer serving you

It’s time to take that ego and put it on the shelf -

& allow yourself to get 

curious again about what’s obviously not working

Where your patterns are

And completely shift how you feel on the inside

So it can be matched and reflected on your outside.

And so that you can feel truly EMPOWERED & ALIVE again

In ALL areas of your life.




Deep down, you are a BEING OF LOVE AND LIGHT

From the moment you came onto this earth,

You existed as a PURE ESSENCE of love

But as we grow up & adapt to our environment

And have negative (sometimes traumatic) experiences

That light & love essence begins to get covered with layers of “mud”

Those dark, heavy, scary fears, beliefs & conditioning

from our past icky moments

That makes us feel like it’s not safe to show up

 in that authentic pure essence of love

Then the mind comes in and says


“Quiet HEART - Quiet SOUL
 I know what’s best”

“I’ll make sure that you stay safe

I’ll make sure you can survive in this nasty scary outside world”

But when it does that, it pushes down 

our deeper connection with our self.

It goes on overdrive

Questioning everything,
second guessing,

And while that may help you “survive” in difficult moments

It’s not meant to be your full life operating system.

This is why you’ve felt so 





It’s because deep down, 

you’ve become completely disconnected with your own SOUL

And now it’s time to rinse away all those layers of MUD

And get you back in touch with your LIGHT & LOVE

It’s still there - it’s just been deeply buried.

And from that connected, empowered place - 

Your entire life will take on

New Meaning

New Energy

New Vibrance!

Because you’re allowing yourself to truly be YOU again

 (or maybe for the first time)

This is what it means to have a full soul REBIRTH

I’ve been taking women through this journey for over 7 years

And every. single. time. I am blown away by the results of what happens.

Don’t take my word for it, hear some of them share their experience:


I had a therapist before coming to you and I got so irritated with her... She kept asking me - "How do I feel" but could never help me actually access my heart to understand how I felt.

I felt so blocked emotionally until I met you - and the fear cleansing and soul cleansing completely shifted me from the darkness I had been living in and I truly felt like for the first time in my life... I COULD BREATHE.

After vetting a lot of coaches, I resonated with you because you are so heart centered - and the soul cleansing you helped me with after just one session made such a huge difference in my life.

Everyone in their life needs to do this deep work. Teal IS THE TEXTBOOK AND MANUAL to guide us back into our hearts & our inner power."

Chimine, Toronto Canada

You have absolutely changed my life.

Anyone considering getting working with Teal needs to DO IT!"

"I was so damaged, insecure and had a really tough upbringing. I didn't know how to love myself & had so many heartbreaks...

I had no idea how many deeper beliefs and fears I had hiding within me - and now I understand why I struggled for so long.

After working with you, I feel like I've become a "Build a Bear"...

I had to build the structure, and you supercharged me with the Care Bear Super Power BOOM!!"

Joanna, Texas

THIS is what is possible for you. 

This is my soul’s passion and purpose.

To help women come home to themselves.

And I’m damn good at it.

So many women come to me saying:

“Teal - I’ve been doing work on myself for so long 

but nothing has really changed


“That was some witchy shit you just did with me” -

My clients have shared

Another client told me that I was her Shaman

When I ask women on intake calls 

“why do you think I’d be a good coach for you?” 

There is a common theme that comes through 

with every single one of them

And this is what I hear:

“Honestly Teal, I can’t explain it in words, its just your ENERGY

There’s something about your energy &

 this intuitive knowing that I need to work with you”.


This is the biggest gift that I could ever receive. Hearing those words.


I help you re-find in your POWER

I help you stand in your WORTH

I help you tap into your deep intuitive KNOWING

That what you are, & who you are is not just enough

but that it is EXTRAORDINARY

& I have an exact, step by step method that I take all my ladies through

That’s when you are truly embodied in your GODDESSENCE.

I am NOT your ordinary love or relationship coach

I have intuitive gifts, psychic abilities, & deeply empathic super powers.

I have the ability to see (within a short moment) EXACTLY what may be energetically blocking you

AND the tools to help you move through it so that those decade long fears

Can be erased for good.

So that you can OWN your POWER, WORTH & RADIANCE that lives within your soul

So that you can FINALLY STEP FORWARD into CLAIMING all that you desire

So that you can effortlessly attract ALL THE MAGIC into your life


That is my superpower.

That is my gift to the world.

And I don’t want to hide it any more.

So call me a witch

call me a shaman

 call me an angel

call me whatever feels right to you

There is one main truth

There is no competition in what I have to share with you.

And what I offer is TRULY LIFE CHANGING.

If you’re ready to stop playing small in your relationships

If you’re ready to start harnessing that inner 


If you’re ready to tap into your own inner divine GODDESSENCE

Let’s play in the Magic of Potentiality.

I’m ready for you -

The real question is

Are you ready for me?

About Teal Elisabeth  

Teal Elisabeth, CEO & Founder of Relax Into Love Coaching, is an energetic healer & relationship coach trained in the principles of Feminine Energy, NLP, & deep subconscious reprogramming.

Through her teachings, she helps ambitious women relax into love with themselves & manifest their most desired relationship with joy and ease.

She’s been studying personal development & soul growth for over 20 years and had an out of body experience while meditating in a 5 day silent retreat with buddhist monks in Thailand.

She then worked alongside Arianna Huffington as the Global Training Developer at Uber to build out the global transformational training programs for the UBER headquarters team before branching out to create her company “Relax into Love”.

She has been happily married to her husband of 11 years & after traveling the world for 2 years they are now settled in Washington with their beautiful new baby boy.

The Soul REBIRTH Experience:


🌟 Week 1: Transcending the Mind & Releasing Anxiety

  • In this lesson, we're going to take a good hard look at your relationship with your mind & anxiety. How has it been running the show? How has it been keeping you trapped in a swirling abyss of anxious thoughts, fears & limiting beliefs. I will guide you through exactly how to release your anxieties FOR GOOD & create a  healthier relationship with the mind: release the  overthinking, completely wash away the stress, and make space for your heart's intuition to speak.

🌟 Week 2: Uncovering the Real Truth of “Who am I”?

  • In this lesson, we will dive deep into discovering exactly what all of your "layers of mud" are that are keeping you feeling blocked, stuck, or not enough. I will guide you through how to come back home to the truth of who you really are and re-write the deepest fears that have been subconsciously running your life so we can create a roadmap to take you back into your true essence and inner power.

🌟 Week 3: Forgiveness & Releasing the Past

  • In this lesson, I will help you uncover your “energy leaks” and “areas of incompletions”... things that are keeping you from being able to feel truly safe and secure in your heart. We will move through guided practices of forgiveness, managing our emotions in a healthy way & breathing through past painful limitations. From this place, you will begin to feel more connected, aligned and at peace - starting from the inside out.  

🌟 Week 4: Healing Your Inner Thorns

  • In this lesson, we will explore powerful healing techniques to mend the deepest wounds and traumas of the past. This is an extremely powerful exercise and not to be taken lightly. We will be identifying those deepest "thorns" that you've been unknowingly protecting yourself from being talked about, touched or felt & lovingly releasing them FOR GOOD from the depths of your psyche.

🌟 Week 5: Breaking the Chains & Setting Yourself Free

  • Now that the deepest fears & wounds have been released, we will be breaking down the walls, chains & protection mechanisms that you've been holding onto up until now trying to keep you safe.You will begin noticing how much LIGHTER you feel, how much more connected you are with your heart, your truth, your needs & boundaries - beginning to cultivate that inner light to shine from the inside out. Now that your inside soul is healing, these old defense mechanisms have no place for your future reality of peace and freedom.

🌟 Week 6: 

Radical Embodied Self Love & Confidence - In all areas of life

  • In this final culmination lesson, you will take this new sense of empowered freedom into your relationships with everyone. We will now build upon everything you've released to deepen & cultivate a profound inner love for yourself, allowing authenticity to be your guiding path forward. I will guide you into how to have deeply nourishing, healing connections with everyone in your life, and do a life audit on ensuring you're only allowing in people who honor & respect you in your most authentic place of real inner power & light. No more people pleasing. No more toxic friendships. Stepping into a social circle that supports you in being your truest, happiest self.


🌟Plus these fabulous BONUS LESSONS:

Bonus 1: My 4 Step Framework to Navigate Conflict in a Healthy Way

This alone is worth its weight in gold. This framework will teach you exactly how to communicate through any conflict with anyone - commanding respect while still coming through with love and warmth so that you can use each conflict as an opportunity to build closeness, rather than push them away. You will never have to worry about big blow up fights again.

Bonus 2: Setting & Keeping Boundaries 

Channeled straight from my intuitive angels - I will be teaching you my “never seen anywhere before” tool of The Magical box of Safety - to help you understand exactly how to navigate setting and keeping healthy needs and boundaries with all people in your life.

From this exercise you will do a full life audit of your relationships with everyone in your life - and begin to set expectations for how you will be treated from this day forward so you can relax and feel safe in your tribe. No exceptions.


Bonus 3: Two Months of FREE COACHING inside of my Private Ladies’ Love Lounge Membership Group 

This intimate sisterhood community is your sacred space to feel held, supported and guided by myself and other women who are on the journey alongside you. I show up every day with reflection prompts, inspiration, self care practices AND weekly livestream Q&As and monthly Zoom Coaching Calls. 

This will ensure you have a special safe space on the internet to get all your personal questions answered & feel connected to me real time - soaking up the magic of this sacred container.


I have been taking women through this process for over 7 years & the results are unanimous...

This Process Works.

Hear from more women who were just like you:

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Q: What makes this course different from other courses on self development and self love? How can I know it will work for me & my specific situation?


While many courses offer surface-level strategies and quick fixes, our program delves deep into the core of your being, guiding you through a profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

Every individual's journey to self-love is unique, shaped by their experiences, challenges, and aspirations - which is why our course is designed as a "backbone structure" to provide a solid roadmap to follow, but with a diverse array of tools, techniques, and insights that can be customized to suit your specific situation and needs - PLUS personal support inside our coaching community to make sure you have guidance every step of the way. I gotchu boo. 

If other women can make this shift - you can too.


Q: I'm super busy right now. What if I don't have time to take the course now?

A: It is up to you when you start. Once the modules are unlocked, you have the content and any future updates for life. Then, you can take the course completely at your own pace. You can come back to the modules anytime you need.


Q: Are you offering a payment plan?

A: YES! You will find the payment options by clicking the enrollment button at the bottom of this page.


Q: What can I expect from this course?

A: Solutions. Clarity. Inspired content. A reminder that you can do this and do it well... and do it better than anyone expected. A group of incredible other women who are learning right alongside you. Fresh perspective. Progress. Strategies, steps, and processes laid out for you. Practical procedures and spiritual principles explained. Meditations. Affirmations. Movement in the direction of your dreams. And whatever else you decide to receive.


Q: What is your refund policy?

A: Although our policy is no refunds on digital products, I want to ensure that you have a chance to review my teaching style in case you are new here. So, if after reviewing the initial content you feel this is not for you, please email us at [email protected] within 24 hours of your purchase (and having not consumed more than the pre-work) and we will process a refund.


Q: Can you guarantee specific results?

A: I love this program and I deeply believe in the principles in it. However, it only works if you show up and fully do the work 110%. According to my attorney, I need to make sure I always say this to you: DISCLAIMER: I can’t guarantee or warrant results, but I can promise you a new outlook and perspective like you won’t find anywhere else. 


Q: What happens after the free months of coaching inside the Love Lounge?

A: Great question! If after 2 months you want to continue to stay inside the love lounge to continue receiving support, you’re welcome to do so for only $49/ month. This is an exclusive membership community only for ladies going through my courses and graduates who want to continue to stay in the magic & receive support. Upon enrolling you will have the option to add on that membership, and after  months just email me at [email protected] whenever you want to leave. You can cancel at anytime. 


How it Works Once You’re Inside


Upon enrollment, you will receive an email with instructions on how to set up your course access.

You'll access your course content, exclusive Ladies’ Love Lounge Membership Group, and weekly livestream / monthly zoom coaching calls with me.

You will receive instant access to module one of this course, and each additional module will be dripped out after that.

You have unlimited replays, lifetime access, and all future updates to this program.


The insights, shifts, & breakthroughs from this program are incredible...

These women's stories I've shared are just a handful of happy messages
I receive weekly from women in my DMs...

Imagine what's possible for you 



Ready to Begin? Great!


Get Started Here -
Select which option feels best to you:

Payment Plan Option:

$75 USD

8 Weekly Payments

  • Monthly Access to each of the Online Training Portal Lessons: With over 40 hours of content in Video & Audio Lessons (Content will be dripped out over the months as you complete your payment plan)

  • Over 100 Pages of Supplemental Materials including:
    Worksheets, Reflection Questions, Quizzes, Meditations to help implement everything you're learning real time

  • BONUS! Navigating Conflict with Ease Training

  • BONUS! Setting & Keeping Boundaries Training

  • Bonus! Two Months of FREE COACHING inside the Private Membership
  • Extra Fast Action Taker's BONUS!  
    The Full Relax into Love Meditations & Affirmations Bundle

Reserve your Spot Here

One Time Payment:

$497 USD

  • Monthly Access to each of the Online Training Portal Lessons: With over 40 hours of content in Video & Audio Lessons (Content will be dripped out over the months as you complete your payment plan)

  • Over 100 Pages of Supplemental Materials including:
    Worksheets, Reflection Questions, Quizzes, Meditations to help implement everything you're learning real time

  • BONUS! Navigating Conflict with Ease Training

  • BONUS! Setting & Keeping Boundaries Training

  • Bonus! Two Months of FREE COACHING inside the Private Membership
  • Extra Fast Action Taker's BONUS!  
    The Full Relax into Love Meditations & Affirmations Bundle

Reserve your Spot Here